IUI Success Story- What Successful Couples Do Different?

Being a parent is the biggest blessing a married couple, single mother, same-sex parents can have. IUI success story is not an alien term for Indians today. Many parents who could not conceive naturally have switched to IUI and have their own success stories to tell. The success rate of IUI treatment varies with the type of infertility issues, and age of the Female partner. Younger females, those between the age group of 18-24 years have the highest chances of conceiving. This is the golden age for reproduction. Females under the age of 35 years still have a good chance of getting pregnant through IUI. But females after the age of 40 years have very few chances of getting success through it. Only 1 in 10 get a chance to tell their IUI success story. The number of IUI cycles undergone also has a huge impact on success. Parents with only the IUI cycle have 10-20% success chances. Parents who have undergone 3 to 6 cycles have as high as 80% chances of conceiving. Plus infertility because of unexplained reasons and dysovulatory infertility have the highest chances of success.

Never lose hope, you never know when you are next to be parents.

Is Iui Treatment For You?

Before opting for IUI you should make sure that this option is for you. Get thoroughly examined before settling for this treatment. Consult a fertility expert instead of a doctor to assure proper check-ups, procedures, and pre, and post-IUI care. The female partner will undergo Blood tests to examine the level of the hormones like FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH(Luteinizing Hormone). These hormones are responsible for ovulation. The male partner’s or donor’s sperms will undergo analysis to understand their motility and other relevant factors. A lot many couples having different fertility issues have got miracle babies by IUI. Maybe it’s you next to write an IUI success story.

IUI success story

One should consider these points before having an IUI treatment

1.Patient’s age

Females under 35 years of age have the maximum chances, 20% of conceiving through IUI.

2.Male and/or female infertility issues that are present

Females having PCOs, other ovulation problems, females with mild endometriosis, abnormal development of cervix or vagina, overweight or obese women, at least one unblocked fallopian tube, regular ovulation with medications or without medications.

Males who have normal sperm or mild male infertility factor. Below-average sperm count and ejaculation issues. For males who have frozen sperms in certain cases.

3.Quantity and quality of eggs in the female’s ovary

Egg quantity doesn’t predict the chance of naturally conceiving a pregnancy. In an unmedicated, natural cycle, one egg is usually ovulated. Therefore, the chances of becoming pregnant isn’t a ‘numbers’ game but more a function of the standard of that single egg that’s ovulated.

4.Whether ovarian stimulation is performed before IUI

Ovulation induction is mostly preferred for ovary stimulation to increase the chances of conceiving. Natural cycles are also preferred in regular menstrual cycles. If oral or injectable medication is employed for ovulation induction, monitoring of your hormone levels and follicle growth could also be necessary during your cycle.

5.Whether fresh or frozen sperm is used in the treatment

Depending on the source of sperm collection it is decided to have frozen or fresh sperms. When having sperms from a donor, frozen sperms are used mostly.

6. Number of IUI cycles performed

Couples usually go till 6 IUI cycles before shifting to IVF.

Taking all these factors into consideration a specialist can decide whether to adopt IUI treatment or not. After the examination only, a customized treatment plan is most likely to be a success.

Many couples going for IUI face failures. This is because of a lack of knowledge for Pre and Post IUI care.

Step By Step Procedure Of IUI

IUI Success Story

After you have undergone the examination for IUI Treatment and are ready for it, you must know the step-by-step procedure that follows.

The IUI procedure consists of 5 steps.

Step 1:

The female partner is given medications in the form of oral pills and injections for the growth of more(2 to 3) eggs at a time. Most commonly Clomid pills or Gonadotropin injections are used to nurture the growth of follicles. This causes ovulation to take place.

Step 2:

Drug monitoring is done to measure the growth of follicles and to control the drug doses as per the patient’s needs. Fertility drugs have chances of producing multiple eggs, constant monitoring is needed to decrease the chances of multiple births. Blood tests are performed to monitor hormone levels to produce the desired number of eggs.

Step 3:

When at least two or three follicles are mature, the patient is administered injections of the hormone hCG( human chorionic gonadotropins). Also known as Ovidrel to induce ovulation.

Step 4:

At this step, the actual artificial insemination is performed. On the morning of ovulation, the sperm sample made suitable for injection is injected into the female uterus. The sample is collected just 1 hour before injection and is washed and mixed with other useful chemicals. With a very fine catheter, the sperm sample is inserted high into the uterus through the cervix. This takes just 60-90 seconds and is a painless procedure. Faint bleeding can occur after this step but that is normal.

Step 5:

Monitoring throughout the treatments is very much needed to avoid any chance of failure. Ultrasound and pregnancy testing are administered to avoid any failure.

Your Iui Success Story Is In Your Budget Now

The average cost of one IUI cycle in India is Rs.15,000 inclusive of medications. If opting for a donor, the price may go up to Rs.35,000. The cost varies from city to city and from clinics to clinics based on the quality of services provided.

IUI Cost (In Rs.) In Major Indian Cities

  • Bangalore – 16,000
  • Pune – 15,000
  • Delhi – 15,000
  • Hyderabad- 17,000
  • Kolkata – 18,000
  • Nagpur – 15,000
  • Chennai – 19,000
  • Mumbai – 20,000

Taking all these factors into consideration a specialist can decide whether to adopt IUI treatment or not. After the examination only, a customized treatment plan is most likely to be a success.

Many couples going for IUI face failures. This is because of a lack of knowledge for Pre and Post IUI care.

Adopt A Routine To Make Your Own Iui Success Story

IUI Success Story

1.They stay stress-free and entertain no worries and anxiety

IUI procedure proves to be a very stressful time. The expecting parents have to wait for 2 continuous weeks after the insemination to acknowledge if they are pregnant. During this time the couple/parent should have realistic expectations and avoid stressful situations. Keeping calm and thinking positively is the key to a successful IUI.

2.Healthy eating

Below are some commonly used eatables. But before having these consult your fertility expert first.

Sunflower seeds

a rich source of vitamin-E. Eat them roasted without salt. They are proven to improve sperm quality. Also, they are packed with folate and selenium, to increase fertility in females and males.

Citrus fruits

Fruits like orange, and grapefruit are a rich source of Vitamin-C. Oranges contain polyamine putrescine, which enhances the quality of eggs and semen.

Mature cheeses

Improve sperm health. Polyamines found in cheese and also occurring naturally in animals is good for fertility.

Full-fat dairy products

Females who eat high fat dairy products are less likely to face reproductive problems compared to females who eat less fat dairy products.

Cooked tomatoes

Rich in lycopene. A powerful antioxidant is proven to increase male fertility.

Beans and lentils

Rich in fiber and folate, good to maintain hormonal balance. Lentils are rich in protein which is beneficial in improving ovulation.


nutrient-rich seafood. In one serving you’ll get your full daily value of vitamin K, 60% of your daily value of folate, and over 20% of other essential nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, and the B vitamin thiamin. It gives a boost to fertility.


Has antioxidants to improve sperm quality. Other helpful eatables include Walnut, pineapple, wild-caught salmon, oyster, cinnamon.

3.Regular Exercise

Follow a daily routine to keep your hormones in balance. Working out 30 minutes daily is proven to improve the chances of getting pregnant. Certain exercises are especially practiced to stimulate healthy ovulation and sperms.

4.Avoid Smoking

Mothers who are indulged in smoking are less likely to get pregnant. Smoking induces secretion of harmful substances in the body leading to less fertile eggs and irregular monthly cycles.

5.Take prescribed supplements

Supplements are always helpful in enhancing fertility. Supplements like Coenzyme Q10 (Co Q10) and DHEA are helpful to improve fertility.


Couples undergoing IUI suggest taking regular acupuncture sessions as it increases blood flow and helps in conceiving.

IUI success story of couples across the world.

1.All you need is hope, don’t give up

IUI is no magic that will end up granting you your baby. We have undergone 5 IUI cycles before we got pregnant. Every time we went to our fertility expert he suggested to never lose hope and we never did. Every failed cycle proved to boost our morale. Our 5 years old healthy daughter is a gift to us by Science. Having supplements during the cycles and using trigger shots have proved to be effective in our case.

2.We had only one chance, IUI is our Stork

When I went to the expert I was examined to have left with a single egg. My chances of getting pregnant were very low as I had no more eggs remaining if this failed. Initially, I was administered with hormonal pills and after 2 weeks of insemination, I was surprised to see the pregnancy test positive! Daily exercise, healthy eating, and healthy thoughts supported me during my journey. IUI is our Stork bird in reality.

3.Our triplets, our Science babies.

Getting pregnant is bliss. Those 9 months of gestation period are like a roller coaster rider. With every passing second, you will feel a new feeling. During my early months, I was told that I am going to deliver a triplet. It was our 3rd cycle and we were happy to welcome our babies as soon as possible.

4. My miracle child

We have our gloomy days. We have gone for more than 5 specialists before adopting IUI. Every medication, injection that we have tried before resulted in failures only. For more than 3 years we had no pregnancy then one day we got pregnant. Having heard about many IUI success story we also went for it. To our surprise, we conceived in the first try itself. Our miracle baby is 8 months old now and we can not thank enough IUI and our expert doctor.

5. IUI is a boon for me, my IUI success story

I am a single parent. After my separation from my husband a few years back I was left with no hope to have a baby. My friends told me about IUI as I was young at that time. I went to my nearest fertility clinic and got all the check-ups done. The results came to be normal and I was recommended to go for IUI. Luckily, I found a donor and was inseminated soon after the reports. There were few complications during the process but in the end, I became a mother to beautiful twins. The journey from a single parent to a mother was not easy as on few days I will feel lonely and helpless but as suggested I always tried to remain happy and optimistic. I ate the food supplements prescribed by my fertility expert.

6. I’m Pregnant!

Waking up in the middle of the night to pamper my kid is what I was longing for, for a long time. We had 5 failed IUIs and this was our last chance at conceiving through IUI. IUI monitoring, medications, supplements, acupuncture, yoga, and everything that was suggested was practiced by me. I had few complications during my 7th month but today we are a parent to a healthy baby boy.

There is always something different that successful stories have. Your IUI success story is going to be your journey to parenthood. Never lose hope and stay optimistic. One day you will also become parents.


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