Getting Pregnant With IUI: How To Make Your Own IUI Success Story?

IUI treatment for infertility is not a new concept. For many years now people with infertility issues have considered IUI as their infertility treatment option. There are many IUI success stories and you can also have your own IUI success story if you consult the right infertility expert and follow the procedure as suggested. IUI treatment is not suitable for all infertility reasons but is suitable for most of them.

If you are an infertile person or a couple and planning to move to IUI for infertility treatment, read this blog to understand everything you need to know about the IUI experience and make your own IUI success story.

Read Below To Understand The IUI Treatment Experience Of People

Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, can make it easier for the egg and sperm to meet, increasing the likelihood of conception for many couples. During IUI, sperm are injected directly into the uterus around the time of ovulation, significantly reducing the distance the sperm must travel to fertilize the egg. IUI can increase the chances of getting pregnant.

IUI Success Story

Top 7 Facts About IUI That Can Help You To Make Your Own IUI Success Story

IUI Is Successful In Curing Female And Male Infertility Issues

Donor Sperm

For women who need to use donor sperm to get pregnant, IUI is most often used to achieve pregnancy. Frozen donor sperm samples are obtained from certified laboratories and thawed before the IUI procedure.

Unexplained Infertility

IUI is usually performed as the first treatment for unexplained infertility along with ovulation-inducing drugs.

Infertility due to Endometriosis

For endometriosis-related infertility, using drugs to obtain a quality egg along with IUI is often the first treatment approach.

Mild Male Factor Infertility

One of the first steps in the medical evaluation of infertility is the semen analysis of the male partner. It may show below-average sperm concentration, poor sperm motility, or abnormalities in sperm size and shape. IUI can overcome some of these problems because preparing the sperm for the procedure helps distinguish highly motile, normal sperm from low-quality ones.

Cervical Factor Infertility

At the lower end of the uterus, your cervix provides the opening between your vagina and uterus. The mucus produced by the cervix around the time of ovulation provides an ideal environment for sperm to travel from your vagina to the fallopian tubes. But if your cervical mucus is too thick, it can block the sperm’s journey. The cervix itself can also prevent sperm from reaching the egg.
Scarring caused by biopsy or other procedures can cause thickening of the cervix. IUI bypasses your cervix, depositing sperm directly into your uterus, increasing the number of sperm available to meet the waiting egg.

Ovulation Factor Infertility

IUI may also be done for women with infertility caused by problems with ovulation,
including the absence of ovulation or a reduced number of eggs.

Sperm Allergy

Rarely, a woman may be allergic to proteins in her partner’s semen. Ejaculation into the vagina causes redness, burning, and swelling where the semen comes in contact with the skin. Condoms can protect you from symptoms, but it also prevents pregnancy. If your sensitivity is severe, IUI can be effective as most of the proteins in the semen are removed before the sperm is implanted.

Medicated IUI

Intrauterine insemination can be used in conjunction with fertility drugs. These drugs increase egg production in women, which increases the likelihood of conception and a personal IUI success story. IUI can also be timed to coordinate a woman’s natural menstrual cycle. An IUI cycle without medications does not increase the chances of conceiving twins, triplets, or more. However, couples taking IUI with fertility drugs are more likely to count on multiples.

Fertility drugs are given during an IUI cycle often include clomiphene citrate and aromatase inhibitors. You will start these medications early in your menstrual cycle, on the second, third, fourth, or fifth day after the first day of your period.

Your infertility expert will start monitoring the symptoms of ovulation to know when to schedule an IUI. HCG is often given to trigger ovulation, and the IUI is timed to appear between 24 and 36 hours later.

Gonadotropins have been used more frequently in IUI, but have largely fallen out of favor due to the unacceptably high risk of multiple fetuses and pregnancy complications in the mother and fetus.

Multiple IUI Cycles Are Also Needed For IUI Success Stories

If you are under 35, most infertility experts will recommend 3 to 6 cycles of IUI before moving on to IVF. But for people over 35, you may have less chance of getting pregnant with IUI. Therefore, if you are over 35, you should consult a fertility specialist to find out which option is best for you. Women younger than 35 have a 10% to 20% chance of pregnancy after one round of intrauterine insemination. For women aged 35 to 40 years, the odds are about 10%, and for women older than 40, there is a 2% to 5% chance of pregnancy after one round of IUI. However, according to some fertility experts, the odds of getting pregnant with 3 to 6 cycles of IUI are as high as 80%.
The truth is, while some women can get pregnant on their first try, it probably takes 3-4 tries before you get pregnant successfully.

IUI Is Highly Affordable, More Affordable Than You Think

Artificial insemination is an effective, safe, and inexpensive method of treating infertility and is perfect for young couples as IUI success rates drop dramatically in women over 35 years of age.
The cost of IUI in India is very low, as one cycle of IUI can cost as little as 3,000 rupees. However, even if you only need one cycle, you can expect to spend between 5,000 and 10,000 rupees as you will need ultrasounds and other tests before the IUI treatment can begin.

Just as all medical costs vary from state to state and city to city, the cost of IUI in India can also vary widely depending on your location – this is because the cost of IUI in Delhi is quite different from the cost of IIU in Chennai. Likewise, the cost of IUI in Mumbai would be very different from the rates in Bangalore or Hyderabad.

In addition to knowing the artificial insemination costs, you should also know-how
many cycles you are likely to need to conceive, as this will help you get a better
The idea of your IUI costs.

Fresh And Frozen Sperms Can Be Used

You can use sperm from your partner or a donor, and the sperm can be fresh or frozen. If your partner has difficulty producing a semen sample due to erection or ejaculation difficulties, the clinic may be able to obtain semen from him through specialized medical procedures. Before the intrauterine insemination procedure, the clinic will carefully examine and prepare the semen sample.

Both fresh and frozen semen can be used successfully for the IUI treatment. When fresh is an option, it is better. Partly because there is an expected loss of sperm in the thawing process, but also because timing is even more critical with washed thawed sperm. Fresh washed sperm survive about 24 to 36 hours, while washed thawed sperm only have a 12 to 24-hour lifespan. Fresh sperm tend to live a little longer, which can improve the chances of conception.

IUI Treatment Timing

For the maximum likelihood of success, semen should be injected into the uterus just at the time of ovulation. Your medical team can monitor hormone levels or use ultrasound technology to detect impending ovulation. In most cases, intrauterine insemination is done a day or two after ovulation. If you are using fertility drugs to induce ovulation, your fertility expert will give you explicit instructions about when to give the hormone injections.

The timing of intrauterine insemination did not affect cycle results whether the procedure was performed 24 or 36 hours later after onset of ovulation with the use of exogenous hCG. The longer period of treatment cycle during ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate resulted in a higher clinical pregnancy rate. Intrauterine insemination can be performed successfully 24 or 36 hours after hCG in cycles stimulated by clomiphene citrate. This will allow more flexibility and convenience for doctors and patients, especially during the weekends.

Your IUI Success Story Can Be Made Only In 20 Minutes

The visit for IUI treatment takes about 15 to 20 minutes and is usually done in an infertility expert’s clinic. The IUI procedure only takes a minute or two and requires no medication during the process or pain medication. Your infertility expert or a specially trained nurse performs the procedure.
The healthcare provider inserts a very thin tube into the woman’s vagina and through the cervix and injects sperm into the uterus through the tube. Only a few women experience mild cramping and spotting after the IUI procedure.

IUI Success Story

IUI experience

What To Expect During The Whole IUI Treatment?

A typical IUI cycle begins when your period starts and ends when you take a pregnancy blood test, about two weeks after your IUI.

First, you will have a blood test on the second or third day of your period to confirm that you are not already pregnant. Your doctors will often do a transvaginal ultrasound to examine your uterine lining and ovarian follicles.

In the weeks leading up to ovulation, your doctor will do additional ultrasounds to make sure your uterine lining is thickening and your follicles are growing.

When at least one mature follicle on the ultrasound measures more than 20 millimeters, ovulation is likely to occur soon. At this point, your doctor may ask you to take an injection of hCG and schedule your IUI.

Or, your doctor may tell you to continue measuring the level of luteinizing hormone in your urine with a home test. When the test indicates that your LH levels have peaked, the IUI is usually done the next day.

If you are using sperm from a male partner, he will come to the clinic on the day of your IUI to drop off a sample, and the fertility clinic will prepare the sperm for insemination. This process involves washing it out to remove unwanted substances such as immobile sperm, white blood cells, and prostaglandins.

If you are using frozen donor semen, your clinic will thaw it on the morning of your IUI.
During IUI, your infertility expert will insert a speculum into your vagina and thread a thin, flexible catheter through your cervix to deposit the semen in your uterus.

The whole process usually takes around 5 minutes. Your doctor will likely advise you to lie down for about 10 minutes after the procedure to avoid feeling light-headed or uneasy.
About a week later, many infertility clinics will check your progesterone levels with a blood test to determine if you ovulated at the time of the procedure.

About two weeks after your IUI, you will do told to have a blood test to see if you are pregnant. For a majority of women, the “two weeks wait” is the most difficult time of the IUI treatment. It can be tempting to read about all the symptoms you are having. Do your sore breasts mean you’re about to have your period? Or does that mean you’re going to make your own IUI success story? Only the blood test will offer official confirmation.

Top Tips To Improve The Chances Your IUI Success Story

Your IUI success story is in your hand to create. Take the below-mentioned precautions and increase the chances of your IUI success stories.

IUI Success Story

Avoid Ejaculation For Three Days

Semen volume and sperm count are important during the IUI procedure. This is why men should avoid ejaculating for three days before IUI treatment. This maximizes the volume of semen taken for the artificial insemination process. Semen has a lifespan of up to five days, so a three-day wait is ideal. However, don’t abstain for more than five days, as this can negatively impact your chances of success instead of creating your own IUI success story.

Avoid Excessive Stress And Anxiety

Stress is one of the most important things that should be avoided during any infertility treatment. The infertility experts understand why patients are interested in IUI results, but they want to let them know that these feelings are normal. If you are undergoing IUI, try not to entertain it as much as possible, have realistic expectations about the process, and try to stay as calm as possible during the whole process and also after the treatment.

Do Not Take Any Pain Relievers

You may feel some cramping and pain after your IUI treatment, this is very normal. On the other hand, pain relievers should be avoided at all costs. However, if your pain is unbearable, you can take painkillers but after consulting your infertility expert. Remember, taking pain medication can reduce your chances of making your own IUI success story.

Do Not Expose To Harmful Radiation

Avoid workplace hazards and exposure. After infertility treatment with IUI, you should stop handling chemicals and high-level radiation equipment. Prolonged
exposure to direct sunlight or heat may also minimize the likelihood of your IUI
success story.

Eating Healthy

A healthy diet can improve overall well-being and potentially increase your fertility in the process. This can affect fertility treatment. Make sure your diet is rich in vegetables and fruits, lean protein, healthy fats, whole milk products, and whole grains. In addition, make sure you are well hydrated.

Ask About Sperm Sperm washing

Sperm washing is a process of purifying semen so that the sperms are healthy, have vitality, and have a better chance of survival. In addition to triggering injections, talk to your fertility expert about the possible benefits of proper sperm washing while the IUI procedure.

Learn About Possible Hormonal Stimulation

Fertility experts sometimes use trigger injections to help stimulate the ovaries
and produce viable eggs to fertilize. Consider taking help by asking your fertility
doctor about the use of booster injections, as they may increase the chances of
IUI success stories.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise can vary greatly during fertility treatment. While you should avoid strenuous training when undergoing IUI and other fertility procedures, fertility experts encourage patients to practise yoga, run or jog, go for walks or hikes, and maintain general fitness.

Do not Smoke or Consume Alcohol

Smoking, alcohol use, or drug abuse can cause miscarriages and pregnancy complications. You should not have them even after conception, as they can cause your baby to deform or grow abnormally and decrease the chances of your IUI success story.

Personal IUI success story is the dream of every person going for IUI treatment. IUI experience is different for every person but for a majority of females, it is painless. It depends on the infertility expert who is performing the treatment and how your IUI experience will be. Subhag is a reputed name in the field of infertility treatments and has a good record in creating many IUI success stories.


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