Know All About Fertility Tests And IUI Process For Successful Pregnancy

IUI Process

If you are reading this article with the utmost care it means you are gathering information either for your near ones and dear ones or for yourself. Whatever it may be but it is sure that you are getting updated with the information which would surely help the society you live in. Moreover, if you are in a stage where you have to decide on the option of IUI, that is Intrauterine Insemination is a better option for you, then you are at the right spot to get informed and you will get everything you want to know about the IUI process.

So Let’s Go Through The IUI Process And All That You Need To Know About It

Intrauterine Insemination is also known as IUI is a type of artificial procedure of insemination that involves placing sperm artificially inside a woman’s uterine cavity near the time of ovulation to facilitate fertilization. Today in the world of growing technology, medical inventions and discoveries have proved to be a boon and made it possible to help infertile couples to have their own baby. Here the main target is to achieve the goal of having a successful pregnancy, for which it may be either with the sperm from its own partner or it might be from the sperm of a donor.

IUI Process Has Proven To Be A Boon To

  • Male partners who have minor semen abnormalities or ejaculatory dysfunction.
  • Male partners who have frozen sperm obtained prior to surgery, treatment for any disease, or travel.
  • Female those who cannot ovulate, such as hypothalamic patients or those with PCOZ.
  • Women with unexplained infertility.
  • Anyone who needs donor sperm, such as single women looking to conceive, heterosexual couples struggling with malefactors, or LGBT couples.

To understand the actual IUI process let us first have an overlook for how does the natural pregnancy takes place.

IUI Process

How Does The Natural Pregnancy Take Place?

We know that a natural pregnancy occurs from sexual intercourse in which the man’s sperm is ejaculated into the vagina of a female. Now, this sperm travels from the vagina through the cervix (cervix is a narrow, lower part of the womb which naturally limits the number of sperm that enter the uterus), into the uterus (womb), and end up into one of the fallopian tubes. So only a small amount of the male sperm could actually make their way into the fallopian tubes. Normally, this sperm ejaculated into the vagina reaches the fallopian tubes where egg fertilization occurs within minutes, no matter what position is taken during intercourse. Hence, if the sperm arrives in a fallopian tube immediately after the egg is released from the ovary (ovulation), the sperm and the egg may meet (fertilize) in the fallopian tube.

Generally, every normal couple would prefer to have a natural pregnancy. But even after trying for a longer period if they could not succeed to have a natural pregnancy the other option is to have medical advice which might include fertility tests on both hands (male and female). Counseling of couples accompanied with parallel medical treatment under the specialized, skilled, and competent professionals has proved a blessing to such couples. Fertility testing helps the doctor to find out the possibilities that are preventing the couple from getting pregnant. Generally, the gynecologist advises getting some basic tests done and tries to find out the possibilities. But if they discover that it is out of their reach then they refer to a reproductive endocrinologist (a doctor specialized in infertility) or a Urologist (for male infertility) to find out more possibilities through thorough testing.
So, let us have a brief look through the topic for which tests are been suggested by the doctors to make sure the possibility of fertility for a successful pregnancy.

Fertility Tests For Couple

As we talked about earlier there are some fertility tests that are meant for both males and females to find out the possibilities of a successful pregnancy. For example post-coital test (PCT) and genetic karyotyping.

Post-Coital Test (PCT)

In this test, a sample of cervical mucus is taken from the female via pelvic examination, after several hours of sexual intercourse by a couple. This test helps to find out and evaluate the interaction between the male’s sperm and the female’s cervical mucus. However, this is the test rarely been suggested by the doctor.

Genetic Karyotyping

This test is basically done through simple blood testing. This test is usually done in case of recurrent miscarriage to find out for any genetic disorders that lead to unsuccessful pregnancy (miscarriage).

Fertility Testing For Male

The main test suggested by the doctors in the context of fertility for men is Semen Analysis. Here a typical semen analysis indicates semen volume, total sperm number, sperm concentration, vitality (Percentage alive), movement (motility), and shape (morphology). To carry out this test the male has to provide the sample of his semen for a lab to evaluate fertility possibilities. It is advisable that the test should be done twice on different days to confirm the possibilities and more accuracy to get confirmed about the results.

The Other Tests May Be Further Suggested Which May Include
  • Genetic testing of the sperm, to find out the presence of antibodies.
  • Evaluation of immobile sperm, to find out if they are alive or dead.
  • Ultrasound, to find out the seminal vesicles and scrotums.
  • Vasography, to find out the obstructions of the male reproductive organs.
  • Testicular biopsy, a minor surgical procedure to remove testicular tissue.
  • Post-ejaculatory urinal analysis, to find out for retrograde ejaculation.
  • Sexual Transmitted Disease testing.
  • Blood work to check hormone levels of FSH and testosterone, LH, estradiol, or prolactin.

Fertility Testing for Female

  • In the case of female fertility tests, the doctors may suggest different tests in the different cases as per their knowledge, skill, experience, and probabilities that they find. However, female fertility testing may include the following tests.
  • Ultrasound, to find out the shape of the uterus and the thickness of the uterine lining.
  • Ultrasound, to find out the number of eggs available in a woman’s ovaries by antral follicle count.
  • Ultrasound, to look for fibroids, polycystic ovaries, larger ovarian cysts and sometimes to confirm if ovulation is taking place or not.
  • Sonohysterogram, in this sterile liquid, is placed inside the uterus and then the uterus and uterine walls are evaluated through ultrasound.
  • Hysteroscopy, in this test a telescope-like camera is placed through the cervix into the uterus to take a closer view at the inside of the uterus. If HSG examination is inconclusive or shows potential abnormalities only then this is done. It is possible that the doctor may even suggest an endometrial biopsy during such examination.
  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG), to find out if the fallopian tubes are open and not blocked. Moreover, it is also done to evaluate the shape of the uterus.
  • In an endometrial biopsy, this test a small amount of tissue is taken from the uterine lining or endometrium. To be clear about this is one of the tests which is among very uncommonly suggested tests.
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy, this test is done only when symptoms or other tests draw our attention towards the possibility of endometriosis, as a part of treatment for blocked fallopian tubes or when it is difficult to find out the actual cause for infertility in a female.
  • Blood work, to find out the variety of hormones including LH, FSH, androgen hormones, thyroid hormones, anti-mullerian hormone, estradiol, prolactin, thrombophilia, and antiphospholipid syndrome (in case of recurrent miscarriage).
  • Blood work must be carried out on a specific day of the menstrual cycle. For example, progesterone is checked on the 21st day or 22nd day of the menstrual cycle. FSH is checked on 3rd day of the menstrual cycle.
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease testing (STD) may cause infertility.

Fertility Test At-Home

People feel embarrassed about fertility testing. It seems a little difficult and disturbing emotionally if someone even thinks about fertility testing. They feel discomfort and avoid until the end, rather they don’t prefer to do so and that’s the reason for the delay in their action. This is all due to the outlook of a person and society at large. However, the kits provided at home may give us a rough idea but in the aspect of accuracy, the laboratory test can be considered to be more reliable.

  • Sperm count test at home for males is the only factor that can be carried out at home for males. It requires ejaculation into a collection cup. The test detects a protein found in sperm. If a home sperm test indicates that the sperm concentration is low that is negative, the person must consult a doctor for a complete fertility evaluation. Whereas if the sperm test indicates that the sperm concentration is positive it is considered normal. But the normal sperm count doesn’t indicate whether the person is fertile or not because the sperm test at home only determines the sperm concentration. Whereas, it doesn’t indicate any other factors. However, the common causes for male infertility are missed by at-home sperm tests. Here it is necessary to get an infertility evaluation if a person is concerned about fertility. Depending on home sperm test might lead to delays in seeking appropriate fertility evaluation and treatment.
  • FSH test at home for Females: · Follicle-Stimulating Hormone test is normally carried out on the 3rd day of a female’s menstrual cycle where the female’s urine indicates the FSH levels in blood ranging either normal or elevated. In case the test indicates elevated, the probability of fertility is most likely decreased. However, the levels of hormone estradiol or the anti-Mullerian hormone cannot be taken into consideration. Where they are generally a better indicator of ovarian reserves than FSH.

Thus these fertility tests at home prove to be less reliable. So, it is only after going thoroughly through the reports the doctor comes to the conclusion about what should be done for a successful pregnancy. Whether medication will help out or the couple should opt for IUI Process or go through the IVF process, accompanied with the counseling for proper understanding is taken care of. However, the decision lies in the court of the couple to go through.

Now let us go through the difference as well as the common points about what are IUI Process and IVF treatments as it would help to have some clarity about both the treatments.

IUI Process

What Are Common Points About IUI Process And IVF Treatment?

There are few common factors that are common in both treatments.

  • They have to do with preparing for both treatments and the basic processes of human conception.
  • Both the treatments include the processes to isolate the highest quality sperm from provided samples either from a partner or a donor for use in fertilization.

Both the treatments may include a regimen of fertility drugs to increase success rates in fertilization or in the case of IVF to assist in ovulation and aid in egg retrieval.

What Are The Differences Between IUI Process And IVF Treatment?

In IUI Process the fertilization takes place internally whereas in IVF treatment the fertilization takes place externally. It means that in the IUI process the sperm is injected directly into the female’s uterus and if the fertilization is successful, the embryo implants there whereas in IVF treatment the sperm and the egg are meet for fertilization, and after that one or more of the successfully fertilized eggs are placed into the female’s uterus, where a fertilized egg would then implant in the lining of the uterus, resulting in pregnancy and delivery of a baby or babies.

  • The success ratio is lower in the IUI process as compared to IVF treatment.
  • On the contrary, the IUI process is less expensive as compared to IVF treatment.
  • In the case of the IUI process, it is less harmful as compared to IVF treatment.

What Makes You A Candidate For The IUI Process V/s IVF Treatment?

For the IUI process, it is a must for the female that the ovaries, viable eggs, and fallopian tubes are working properly. Moreover, the availability of 5 – 10 motile sperm after the ejaculation of the male partner or a donor is processed.

In case the requirements of the IUI process are not met, then one may opt for IVF treatment. IVF treatment is helpful in many types of infertility, including problems with age factors, low sperm count and/or motility, tubal issues, uterus, endometriosis, unexplained infertility, and many more. It can be ideal for surrogates or those looking for donor eggs.

Preparing For An IUI Process

As we talked earlier the couple has to go through some testing to make out if IUI is the right step for them. Moreover, the testing will help the doctor to get sure about the fertility needs. Here, genetic blood work will make sure if the person is the carrier for any particular disease. Whereas, blood work will also make sure about hormones regulating ovarian reserves.

The sperm that is to be used for fertility either might be from a partner or donor will have to undergo the analysis and the female has to have a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) to ensure if the fallopian tubes are open to allow the sperm to pass. As talked earlier once the fertility specialist gets assured that all looks good, the person will be scheduled for an IUI Process.

The experienced specialists advise the couples to avoid sex for 2 or 3 days before the procedure. In case of irregular ovulation, the doctor may prescribe medication to induce ovulation because the best time for an IUI Process is during ovulation.

The female who has to undergo IUI Process has to get her ovaries stimulated so as to get mature eggs and take a trigger shot to release the egg. However, before the insemination has to take place, the sperm must go through the proper process and get prepared for it. It takes around 10 days for the stimulation process. In case, if the female chooses to follow the natural cycle and not to have stimulation can take an injection to induce ovulation, and have the IUI Process done afterward as per the natural cycle.

IUI Process

How Does The IUI Process Work?

Usually, IUI includes medication before injection as well as via injection. Here, medication before the injection stimulates the growth of eggs and helps a female to get more fertile than she would have been without medication. Whereas, in medication via injection, the sperm is directly placed inside the uterine cavity and avoids swimming through the cervical opening and into the uterus on its own which allows it to meet the egg more easily and naturally.

The male donor/partner is asked to provide a semen sample by masturbating into a sterile container at the doctor’s office or at home at least about an hour before being scheduled for insemination. Then the semen is washed so as to separate the sperm from the seminal fluid before injecting it into the uterus because the seminal fluid contains substances that can irritate the uterus. Moreover, washing of sperm improves the ability of the sperm to fertilize the egg.

A fertility specialist places a speculum inside the vagina, inserts a small catheter through the cervix into the uterine cavity, and injects the sperm through the catheter into the uterus. This whole procedure of insemination takes only a few minutes and so the patient will most likely not feel any discomfort.

Indication To Know If The IUI Process Was Successful

If the female misses her next period after the IUI Process, it might be probably known within 2 weeks if she is pregnant. However, the blood test will get confirmed about the pregnancy.


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