
The world’s most crucial cohort study “Intrauterine insemination or intracervical insemination with cryopreserved donor sperm in the natural cycle: a cohort study, The netherland “ IUI Vs ICI shows that insemination with ICI provides 40 % success in 6 cycles and 80% success in 8 cycles. A prospective, randomized, cross-over comparison of two methods of artificial insemination by donor on the incidence of conception: intracervical insemination by straw versus cervical cap.

This solution is 40-50 times cheaper than IVF, ( Rs 30K vs Rs 12- 13 lakh, considering six cycles before success comes )

we know that 100% of the patient can not be treated with this method, especially if the issue is related to women partner ( but this method is the best fit for 70% of population couples related to male or unexplained infertility -read FAQ for more information)



The Invention have been backed by many research and trial, we understand reading those all is very time consuming and difficult. We we providing the research papers name below and three main papers (downloadable link) which can be read for efficacy point of view – which proves the 80% success of the concept.

Please download this two papers

The world’s most important cohort study ( IUI Vs ICI shows that insemination with ICI provides the 40 % success in 6 cycles and 80% success in 8 cycles (

This solution is 40-50 times cheaper than IVF, ( Rs 30K vs Rs 12- 13 lakh, considering six cycles before success comes )

Other Reference papers


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